Monday, February 11, 2008

Dissertation Deadline

This is exactly how I feel right now. I just set my defense date for March 19, which seems so far away, but then when I remember that I have to send my paper to my committee 2 weeks before that and give it to my advisor for revisions like 2 weeks before that, I'm pretty sure that means I have to be finished with it sometime last year. Couple that with the fact that I'm still waiting for some data to come in from people who promised it to me last month, and you get a recipe for a time bomb. Tick...tick...tick...


beans said...

good luck kerry, we're rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

Working hard does pay off eventually (at least that's what I hear... I've never actually done it). Don't drop the ball, keep you eye on the prize, stay the course, other encouraging cliche. You're almost to the finish line kerry... congrats :)

Cami said...

best wishes my will be just fine. we're so proud of you and damn, i can't wait for you to finally be out of school! i demand wonderfully fun, posh, girlie trips in the near future when you're dr.hofer and all important and stuff.

peppersnaps said...

Oh, man, Kerry -- good luck! I remember that last month of stress. Its no fun, to be sure, but it will ALL be over very very soon! And you'll do great! :) All the best int he final stretch!